Our goal is to find you an effective position and provide recommendations on equipment and setup data.
During the fitting you will have the opportunity to try different saddles and stem positions.
Cleat wedging and stance width adjustment are tried and assessed.
During the fit we will discuss your goals, needs and equipment recommendations.
There is no obligation to purchase recommended components during the fitting.
We will provide you with setup data at completion and recommendations and data that you may like to use in the future.
The fitting fee does not include additional parts or workshop labour required to fit post fitting.
We offer two level of fitting service so you may choose to suit your needs and preferences.
Both options will provide recommendations on equipment changes.
The most common equipment changes are saddles, handle bars and stems to improve your connection and match your anatomy better.
Standard Bike Fit - $300
Our standard bike fitting provides riders with an on-bike cycling evaluation and assessment.
Perfect for beginner to intermediate riders who are injury free and ride up to 3 x per week or 200km.
Assessments include
Cycling posture and pedaling
Ischial tuberosity measurement
Pressure mapping option is available (additional $60)
Equipment Recommendations
Saddles - width, shape and position
Handle bars and stems
Shoes and pedals
Insoles and wedges
Adjustments include:
Seat height
Seat fore-aft position (setback)
Cleat position (fore/aft, lateral, rotation)
Stance width
Handlebar height
Cockpit reach
Lever position
Shoe/cleat wedging and shims
Pre and Post fit measurements
60-75 minutes
5% discount on all parts and equipment within 30 days of fitting
$30 voucher on Footbalance
$30 discount voucher on all Jet apparel
$30 workshop service voucher
30 day returns on all equipment - excluding labour to swap or custom ordered parts
Premium Bike Fit - $500
Our premium bike fitting service provides a comprehensive evaluation of your anatomy, movement and cycling position.
Our in depth rider evaluation enables your position to be optimised and accommodate your movement and functional discrepancies
Perfect for the performance focussed rider, planning a jump in training loads or have current or prior injuries and or significant discomfort.
Includes a 30 minute follow up fit within 4 weeks post fitting
Assessments include
Anatomical assessment
Movement assessment
Cycling posture and pedaling
Ischial tuberosity measurement
Foot assessment
Saddle pressure mapping
Cycling posture and pedalingFoot pressure mapping if required
Equipment Recommendations
Saddles - width, shape and position
Handle bars and stems
Shoes and pedals
Insoles, shims, stackers and wedges
Adjustments include:
Seat height
Seat fore-aft position (setback)
Cleat position (fore/aft, lateral, rotation)
Stance width
Handlebar height
Cockpit reach
Lever position
Shoe/cleat wedging and shims
Pre and Post fit measurements
Exercises to improve movement function and fitting
100-120 minutes - first sessions
30-45 minutes - follow up session
Includes Post fit check up and adjustment 2-4 weeks post fitting
10% discount on all parts and equipment within 30 days of fitting
$30 discount voucher on all Jet apparel
$30 workshop service voucher
30 day returns on all equipment - excluding labour to swap or custom ordered parts
Money back guarantee
This is provided where riders follow the recommended equipment changes, follow riding guides and adaptation periods and engage with health professionals as required based on evaluation findings to resolve anatomical issues.
Your bicycle will be returned to its origional configuration - please keep your origional components.